How does the author John Fowles depict the main character, Frederick Clegg within the novel, The Collector, failing his existential goals?

How does the author John Fowles depict the main character, Frederick Clegg within the novel, The Collector, failing his existential goals?

John Fowles proves to the reader in a number of ways that the main character fails his existential goals. One way that he shows the failure is through the duel views. The duel view’s purpose is clear because the reader can see that Frederick Clegg’s intentions and goals are completely different to the kidnapped Miranda. Another way that John Fowles shows the failure of Clegg’s existential goals is through allusions to other pieces of literature. Some of these allusions include deep roots to Beauty and the Beast and Bluebeard. Although the fairy tale allusions have little roots, the main allusion John Fowles uses within the book is Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

To start off answering the original question of how Fowles proves that Clegg fails his existential goals, the reader needs to understand fully what are Frederick Clegg’s existential goals. The main character Clegg’s first goal is to kidnap Miranda and keep her in his cellar as if she was one of his butterflies in his collection. His main existential goal is for her to eventually start loving him because of his surplus of kindness and gifts given. He tries his best to accomplish his goals however fails of making her love him because she dies at the end and she does not feel the same. Within the novel his existential goals are what drives Clegg. He wins a lottery ultimately leading him to buy a house in which would be perfect and prime condition for kidnapping Miranda. All long Clegg plans his goal of kidnapping Miranda and does what he can to make this occur. He stalks Miranda and becomes obsessed with her. With kidnapping Miranda in mind as one of his “collections” he gathers a lot of information about her. The proper research allows him to commit the act and ultimately lead him on the path towards failure. The reader can see this fiasco through the dual views.

John Fowles shows the disappointment of the kidnapping of Miranda clearly through the dual views of both characters. John Fowles writes the book with duel views to show that the main character has a motive for the kidnapped Miranda, which is ultimately for Miranda to fall in love with himself. However the reader sees through both lenses and writings from both characters that the kidnapper does not get his way. The author writes the book where first Clegg the kidnapper is telling his side of the story. Then after he has kidnapped Miranda, the book shifts to Miranda’s side, where she is writing within her journal about her experience in the cellar. The reader noticeably identifies through both sides that each character is not on the same page.

The book begins with Clegg’s point of view. Clegg’s collection of butterflies is what he finds the most happiness in his life at the moment. This is very important for the reader to recognize as a little strange because the collection of butterflies is not fully satisfying Clegg’s fulfillment of a better collection. This is a foreshadowing of what is going to happen with Miranda. As the book continues the reader starts to understand that Clegg is an outsider because he has trouble connecting to other people not just on a social level but on an intimate one. He really wants to be normal and loved by another person. He keeps telling himself that his thoughts about becoming an ordinary man and strange motives are sincere. As he continues with his abnormal thoughts he comes up with idea to kidnap Miranda. This plan he came up with became his ultimate obsession and existential goal. He eventually goes through with his plan and succeeds in kidnapping Miranda. Fowles does an excellent job of setting up the background of the character Clegg and his inevitable failure. The importance of showing his background and goals makes the reader fully understand all the possible things that can go wrong. After Clegg is done telling the first part of his story it Miranda begins her point of view in the cellar. After Miranda’s death the point of view shifts back to Clegg. Clegg is very distraught and feels deeply disappointed. He admits his failure and is angry with himself. The book ends with him saying he wants to kidnap again. This ending leaves two options. One, he has failed his existential goal of Miranda ultimately falling in love with him and now he has a new goal. Two, he has not yet failed completely, because his existential goal of a different collection continues. As a reader, one must ask if Clegg is a reliable source. Clegg tell his own side of his story and thoughts, which clearly shows that he is delusional and abnormal. However, Miranda goes on with her part of her story and shows that Clegg was never going to get what he wanted.

After Clegg tells his point of view, John Fowles writes Miranda’s point of view in the cellar as a the kidnaped. Miranda begins with her being completely frightened and hysterical. She is very nervous that Clegg is going to molest her. However, as we see Clegg’s intentions, Miranda begins to see that he is not going to doing anything to hurt her as long as she’s stay in the cellar. As Clegg treats Miranda with gift and compassion, Miranda becomes confused. She tells the reader that she has her own plan of pretending to be kind back but secretly plans to kill Clegg and escape. She eventually begins to feel bad for Clegg because she feels he is just crazy and mentally ill. Unfortunately for Clegg towards the end she falls ill and dies. This is the true flop of his goal of making her love and care for him. This is very important to the plot and understanding the ultimate failure of Clegg’s existential goals because we see that she never does fall in love with Clegg. By reading her diary the reader notices that she in fact never even tries to like or care for Clegg. So, reading her point of view through her diary, John Fowles shows the reader the epic fail of an attempt of forcing someone to fall in love. As well as John Fowles presenting the failure of Clegg’s existential goals through dual point of views, the author explains his failures through allusions to other literature.

Within the novel The Collector there many allusions to other books but the main allusion is to Shakespeare The Tempest. In The Tempest there is a similar character to Clegg named Caliban who is also an outsider to everyone else in the story. Caliban wants for the woman character also named Miranda to like him. However the contrasting characters Clegg and Caliban shines because Clegg is a more impactful while, Caliban was weak. Clegg wishes to become The Tempest character Ferdinand who gets the girl and is a charming guy. However, Clegg’s approach totally backfires because kidnaping is not the way Ferdinand would win Miranda’s heart. So this important allusion to Shakespeare’s work shows that Clegg conclusively fails at becoming Ferdinand and leans more to the character Caliban. The metaphorical story of The Tempest plays an important role for Clegg, even though he fails at his existential goals. Fowles allusions within The Collector express to the audience a very recognizable failure of goals for Clegg. The allusions further help portray his existential goals to the reader.

As seen in the book there are many a couple of ways the author John Fowles exposes the failure of the main character Frederick Clegg’s failure of love within the novel The Collector. Duel views or the point of view of the characters ultimately becomes an excellent tool for the audience to step inside the mind of the main characters in the novel. As seen in the book the reader through Clegg’s mind sees his existential goals and his thoughts about himself. Through Miranda’s diary the audience can also see how frightened and disturbed she is by Clegg. The reader also sees that she has no intention of even trying to love or care for Clegg. The only feeling she experiences towards Clegg is sympathy. The exposure of the minds of these characters shows the failure of Clegg’s goals. The writing tool of allusions in the novel does a tremendous job of explaining to a mirror story where one of the main outside character fails his lover goals. As well as the allusion to a failing character, the allusion to another main character that actually does get a woman to fall in love him makes Clegg wish he was him. The dual views and allusions help John Fowles ultimately explain what Clegg’s existential goal are and how they inevitably fail.


The Blog Entry: Best Modern Day Tool For Writing

This year in my Writing of the Mind class I was asked to write almost every week a blog entry that included my reflections on the subject matter proposed or other assignments. These blogs I feel were a great modern tool for students to post what they felt towards the subject because it was closely related to activities that students engage with outside the normal classroom like Facebook and other blog websites. So, this gave students a way that is fun and something students are used to.

The advantage of such a tool was more thorough responses and a less phobia feeling of writing. Another advantage of the blog post is that other people can read, critique, and even have a debate on the blog response. This would help the blog writer become a better writer and spring off ideas from one commenter to another. This would allow other people to understand the material and reflections better because the blog post is easy for the audience to relate with. There might be a ton of advantages although, there are a few disadvantages.

One disadvantage of the blog entries is that sometimes when your writing a blog, the style of writing might become to relax because it is so closely related to other blog sites. A blog post is not the same type of writing as a formal essay. A blog post does not need to be that long and can have your own opinion, two things in which a formal essay normally uses. Additionally, another disadvantage of the blog post is credibility. Because everyone can write a blog post, blog posts maybe have false information or statements.

However, I felt that the blog post made me feel more comfortable to write and able to express my ideas in a way I am used to. I would take the theories and through writing my blog I found much more easily to explain theories because I did not have to worry too much on how I explained it or the structure of an essay. With the blog post, when I was asked a topic, I would choose something related to my personal life because the blog style would allow me to write with a good flow and develop my ideas more fluidly. I found the blog post a great tool for me to express all my ideas in a great way.

While this class maybe over for myself, I feel as if this class and the blog entries have improved my writing. I now focus more on the main points right away and can express my opinion much easier. With the blog posts I can conclude that theories about the mind and living one’s life can easily be explained through many books and movies. People’s minds are very complicated and are full of necessities. People need to try understand themselves and their mind to fully help their writing.

The Collector

The author John Fowles does an excellent job with his novel The Collector. When I started to read this novel I did not realize where it was going. As the main character seemed more mentally off than the normal person,  I got the feeling something bad was going to happen.  As it turns out my predictions turned out to be correct. Eventually the main character kidnaps a woman named Miranda. All he wanted was for her to love him. So as I’m reading I am first getting his point of view. His view seems very harmless and seems that he only has good intentions. However as I continue to read, the novel eventually allows the reader to see into Miranda’s diary that she has been writing in since she had been kidnapped. While reading her diary I notice how different her mind set is compared to the kidnapper. As how it is supposed to be Miranda is scared and fearful for her life. However after reading the first part where we see into the kidnapper’s mind, we know he would never do anything to hurt her. As I keep reading her diary, she begins to think that she could truly change him and make him let her go by killing him. Furthermore she makes several failed attempts. As time goes on she develops a illness and dies. This surprisingly does not make the kidnapper mad but he thought that it was for the best and he will probably kidnap another woman to try make love him. I truly think the kidnapper responds like this because he thinks that kidnapping and being nice to the victim with ultimately result in love, which is totally wrong. After reading I was little confused on why the author made the kidnapper so content with the death of Miranda. I would have thought because of all his effort to try making Miranda love him he would be so frustrated and mad. I think when I begin my project I will research the mind of kidnapper and maybe Stockholm Syndrom.


Recently I made a presentation using the site and program Prezi. Prezi was very beneficial because of the research I needed to present to the audience. It allowed me to show my basis of research and a presentation that is simple to follow. However, I researched differently to how I usually do a research project. I started with the movie Being John Malkovich and then began to research philosophical theories that can be identified within the film. So I first watched the movie trying to understand the underlying meanings and theories. I then researched some philosophers, which I usually do. However what I did differently for this project was research more in depth after each slide. I would first do a slide on the movie then I would try connect each part of the movie in the slide to a philosopher theory. This was easy because the movie had many underlying theories of the state of mind. I know for next time that I will have to try first brainstorm what I want the Prezi or project to look like and how am I going to achieve what want it to look like. I also need to change which sources are more credible than one another. I realized that most of the articles I ended up not using were actually from current people’s opinion, which, did not relate to the past philosophers. So for the future I need to make sure what is an actual credible source and what is just any person’s opinion. I personally believe that anyone is order to succeed in creating a interesting and strong Prezi a person needs to spend a lot of time playing around with the program first. By playing around a person learns all the tools and can use the tools to make the information stand out in ways pleasing to the reader.

Being John Malkovich: Phycological Analysis

Recently I have watched the Film Being John Malkovich by Spike Jonze. I found this film to be one of the most interesting and phycological movies I have ever seen. I have analyzed the movie according to the mind theorists,Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Freud’s theories I feel specifically relate to the movie more than Jung. The idea of the unconscious mind plays a huge role within the film that Freudian theories connect to. To get a better understanding of the role of the unconscious mind within the film, here is a prezi. Enjoy!!!!

Our Unconscious

Within the movie of Being John Malkovich I found myself asking many intriguing questions. How a portal into someone else’s mind comes into being and why that specific person? This confuses me a lot because in real life such thing is impossible. However in the movie, there appears a portal into another person’s mind. Not only is it someone with a sophisticated mind but also a person who is well known. I ask this question because there are so many famous people out there. Why is there a portal into the individual of John Malkovich? As we come to realize, people within the movie are very envious of his specific lifestyle. Being famous, successful, and respected as an artist. The main character is a puppeteer who wishes to become well known and a performer on a big stages John Milkovich performed his plays. So, as the movie progressed I asked my self why people would want to enter specifically John Malkovich’s mind? I thought because people want to enter Malkovich mind to escape there boring life and see there dream come to reality. Through Malkovich, the main character can view an audience on stage like a true puppeteer and perform his work.

These questions can relate to Freudian’s theory of the iceberg. Most of are conscious mind is the surface of the iceberg. This surface is where we think and is made known to our brain. However the preconscious and the unconscious mind is not always made known to our brain and is only discovered within out dreams. Within the movie I feel the characters can interact with their unconscious state through John Malkovich because we experience our fears and our true desires. This is experienced through John Malkovich and can only occur within the portal because we are truly ourselves.

Steve Jobs: Visionary, Pioneer, and Genius

Dear Apple Competitors,

Apple is now the most valued company in the world. The key to the company’s success was its CEO, Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs is considered one of the smartest people the world has ever seen. He revolutionized the smart phone, music, video, and computers. Jobs brought innovation to Apple. The company’s growth is directly as a result of Steve Job’s drive, ambition, and determination to market and deploy the best techonogically advanced products the world has come to enjoy. Steve Job’s tactics were so effective because of his strong attitude, innovative mind, and love for his job. People have become emotionally devoted to the company and its products. Many of Apple’s competitors marvel at its ingenious creations and struggle to capture the essence of Apple’s product. It is the most valuable company in the world because it’s prodcuts are so universally used and have become part of most people’s daily lives.

Its possible that Steve Jobs did what no other CEO and co founder has accomplished. He did this by first co-founding Apple and was subsequently fired by the board of the directors. He then went on to creating another successful company called NeXT. With his success of his new company and then his creation of Pixar, Steve was on a roll. Apple, however, was struggling. Jobs was asked to return to Apple to see if he could ignite a revolution in the company and save it from distinction. Jobs began to turn Apple around while simultaneously running Pixar. Steve used his famous, yet authoritative attitude for excellence to bring Apple back to life. Steve’s attitude for success was to always look towards the future and move on. Jobs made sure to always have a positive attitude and think of the brighter side of life. It’s a powerful message and lesson that other company’s can learn from. With Jobs’ innovative, marketing mind, he went on to create products such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. He was most definitely the Thomas Edison or Henry Ford of our time.

Within this commencement speech at Stanford University Steve Jobs says many inspiring things. Two quotes stick out to me as the most powerful. In the first he says,”Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do”. From this, I think he means that a person who works for the sake of working and making money is not going to be as successful as the other person who is working because he loves what he does. I truly believe if people do what they love, they will accomplish great things as Steve Jobs did. He truly loved what he did and that is why he was so successful. The second powerful quote is about death. “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”. This quote I believe is such a strong line to live by. Steve lived by this everyday, which shows through his incredibly hard work and motivation to make a difference in the world. If more people lived as if it were their last day on Earth, more people would try to make an impact on the world and their industry as Jobs did. Apple’s rehiring of Steve Jobs turns out to be one of the smartest decisions they ever made.

While Steve Jobs was alive, he revolutionized music and the music industry. With the invention of the iPod, people could now listen to their favorite music anywhere. Also with the new iTunes music store people could buy and find new music. This creation helped more artists become discovered as well as helped the more established artists become more successful. Up until that point, no other company had integrated such an innovative online store. With Steve at forefront of this Music revolution Apple continued to grow immensely. Many companies had tried and failed to revolutionize how people listen to music with mp3 players. In the past five years almost all competition has been eliminated. Apple has 75% of the industry’s mp3 market. The design of the iPod was sleek, futuristic, and more fun. A difficult act for other companies to compete with. Zune tried to compete with Apple but epically failed due to the fact that people love the simplicity and amusing uses of the iPod. More companies should try to emulate Apple’s fun, simple, and futuristic mp3 in order to try compete with them.

Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone in January 2007. By the end of that year the iPhone had become the most popular smart phone ever created. Jobs had taken the new technology of touch screen and perfected it into an all round amazing phone. As the phone was revolutionized again and again today it breaks new heights with the incredible app store and specifically FaceTime. FaceTime takes the next step in communication. It allows people to video chat on their phone so that they can talk and see one another anywhere. This has definitely influenced every phone after it. Steve Job’s creative team seems to come up with applications and specifications no other company has ever seen before. Jobs often looked very far into the future with its inventions in the phone industry. As well as looking into the future for new ideas, Jobs took careful consideration of his consumers comments. Apple’s phone department comes up with new ideas by considering what the costumers want and wish to see. This gives Apple a more connected relationship to its fans. Electronic companies should be more receptive to ideas like Apple, so that they can improve and gear their products towards consumers.

As well as phones and music the first product Jobs perfected was the computer. The Macintosh was the first computer to be more than just a box fueled with number codes. It had depth and color like nothing ever seen before. Other computer companies had tried to be creative but failed. As Jobs said “The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste. And I don’t mean that in a small way, I mean that in a big way, in the sense that they don’t think of original ideas, and they don’t bring much culture into their products”. This quote rings true to Microsoft and other computer companies because they don’t have “taste” in their product. Jobs made the computer sexy and professional. Apple came into competitive computer market and swept the competition. Then when other companies started to produce the portable computer, Jobs knew he had to bring this sort of “taste” to the new product. Steve had come up with new technology where people can not only now take there laptop any where they want, but do so with a sleek body, stunning hd screen, gesture mouse pad, and applications that no other computer company had ever tried accomplishing. Job’s creative computer team and his genius marketing tools brought together a masterpiece.

Job’s superb marketing tools are the main reasons for Apple’s creative success. Almost before every new product comes into stores, Jobs held a ceremony. This ceremony is open to the press and employees. There was a huge presentation of the new item by Steve, that people were anticipating in viewing. This was a very smart move by Jobs because it makes people even more anxious for the product to be in stores. If more companies were to do this method I feel more people would buy their product and value it more. Another smart marketing tool Jobs used was the opening process of the product. Once people get their new Apple product and open it for the first time there is an instant connection of device to customer. Just the way the product is wrapped makes people cherish it even more. The beautiful glass and spotless white case make it seem as if a baby is being born. People are immediately drawn and emotionally attached to their product. This smart marketing tool keeps people buying and falling in love.

The main reason why the company is the best in the world because it has impacted and changed so many lives including mine. It has impacted my life because not only do I own the stock, so I feel invested, but I deeply love their products. I feel as if their products are personalized just for me. The sleekness of all their products connects to my visual delight. I also love their products because they do almost everything for me. It now can answer all my curious questions with SIRI. Apple as a whole has changed my life because now when I want to remember something I can take a video or picture on my phone in high quality. This also makes it easier for me to cherish the important memories I have and for the future ones. No other company has affected me like Apple because I find Apple to be the most fun, sexy, and innovative company I know of. I cherish my Apple product as if it is a living being. Other people, besides me, have become emotionally invested into Apple. They become emotionally invested because of how powerful and life changing the product is for people. An example of the type of craving and emotional attachment to Apple product is in the anticipation of the new product coming to market. People line up in front of the stores and camp out. This clearly shows that people are so addicted to Apple’s creations that people need to compete with one another just to have one in their hands. There are no lines for anticipation of new product at Microsoft, Dell, or other Electronic stores. Not only are people emotionally attached to the companies’ product but to the memory of Steve Job’s and all he represented.

Unfortunately, Steve Jobs recently passed away of pancreatic cancer. Despite this tragedy, his passion and creativity will never be forgotten. His work with his company Apple was a love and drive that other Companies’ leaders and managers can learn from. Steve Jobs used his positive attitude in all aspects of his life. On the Apple website people share memories and stories of how he effected their lives.

After reading some of the posts people have written, it is clear that people love and think of Steve Jobs as a role model. RIP Steve Jobs.

His death was announced by Apple in a statement which read:

“We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today.

Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.

His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts”.

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me”-Steve Jobs

Apple:It’s All About the Brand

With in this article from the magazine “Wired” it shares why Apple is not just like every company, it is one of the emotional ones. The brand plays a huge role within this emotional connection of company to the customer. The brand is something everyone can affiliate himself or herself with. This is a very strategic marketing tool for apple because they can connect some how in some way to everyone then hopefully make them eventually buy their product.

As well as the brand being very important, the company has a religion type of feeling for people. The company is so powerful that people put Apple to a higher standard if they are found out in any circumstance to be morally wrong. When people found out about the sweatshops people were deeply saddened and disappointed with Apple. Many consumers have become emotionally involved with the company. The company has established a heartfelt connection with its buyers.

The article continues on to say that Apple has become involved into our daily life from the vocabulary, (such as the “i” ) to our memories. Companies that effectively involve people’s emotions and daily life aspect to consumers, are the most powerful and best companies.

So, this article is important to my manifesto because it explains how and why apple is within everyone’s hearts. It is also important because it explains as well, how products have affected people’s lives. I will use this to support my argument that apple is the best company in the world.

I connected to this article because I believe it has impacted my life and is in my heart. Apple has impacted my life because of the stock that I own and because of the products. The products allow me to do a wide variety of useful activities and connect to other people like nothing ever seen before. I love apple so much and it has become such a big part of my daily life. Apple is always with me and can comfort me. Through this article I can really establish the pathos, ethos, and logos I need for my paper.

The Moment I Realized That Apple is the Best Company in the World

The company apple recently has become one of the most successful if not the most successful company in the world. It is so profitable and fast growing that people are in disbelief. Once its stock reached its all time high just a couple weeks ago, I realized this company is the best. 

Apple is the best company for a variety of reasons. It used to have the smartest and most innovative CEO to start, Steve Jobs. The company shocks analysts with its earnings every quarter. The company has branded into almost every person that they need to have apple product. It is the only company that i know of that has people standing in lines down streets just for the new and latest product. People are addicted to apple product. The brand of the Apple is now really only officiated to the company. This corporation started a revolution of music with its creation of the iPod and iTunes. People could now listen to their favorite music anywhere and at anytime.

The company is changing the way people live. People can now see each other anywhere with the facetime application. This will now help people become closer with more people. Relating to applications people now have a huge variety of applications to play and use. It makes life so much easier. Apple is important to daily life and is the best company in the world because it ids the only company I feel has really changed how we live in our daily lives. We have become so dependent on our apple product. People crave apple product like a drug. A company that can do that is extremely powerful. There are not many corporations where people are dying to have their product.

It is important currently to know that Apple is the best company in the world because it has defied expectations within the stock market. The stock has gone up and up and seems as if it will never stop. I love apple product and I know I cant live without the company.


Cut Your Heart Out

Recently I have been in a complicated relationship with a girl. I feel as if she does not feel the same as I do about her. I like and care for her so much, but feel that she might possibly be interested in someone else. Every time I ask to hang out, it seems she’s makes up an excuse most of the time. I have been a lot about confronting her, however am very nervous and anxious to do so. 

This week with only her on my mind I had an insane dream. Within my dream I was lying on an operating table. I could not move or make any kind of noise. I could only move my eyes. As I look around I see the girl I like and then I see someone else. I began to wonder what is going on and why I am there. I suddenly see that the other person is a guy. He begins to bring a rolling tray towards me. On this silver tray there are all these different operating tools. My heart begins to pound. As this is happening, my girl keeps washing her hands thoroughly. I suddenly realize that they are going to operate on me. I look to my left where the man is standing, when I hear a razor like sound. I see that he is holding a saw. Right as he stops he asks my girl if she is ready to begin. He then hands her the saw and she slowly presses the saw into my chest. For some reason there is no pain except blood squirting everywhere. I scream but no one can hear me. I then see her reach inside my chest. She begins to pull and tear. In the matter of seconds she had ripped out my heart.

I eventually wake up. After this dream runs through my mind over and over again, I begin to understand that my unconscious mind might possibly be trying to warn me. I relate this to Freudian’s model of personality structure. I think it relates because Freudian believes that the unconscious mind often tests reality. So I think my dream was trying to test my reality and situation with my girl. With my girl being passive towards me, I feel she is going to break my heart or tear my heart out, not literally. The fact that another man was helping her out makes me nervous because prior to sleeping I had been speculating whether she might have been with someone else.

By analyzing this specific dream I can connect my unconscious to reality. This is important because then I could possibly get the confidence to confront her. Hopefully my unconscious is wrong and I won’t get my heart cut out.